Even if you’re not a fan of Halloween decor, pumpkins are still a fantastic way to enjoy the changing of the seasons whilst adding something fun and festive to your home before we pull out the tinsel and baubles. These contemporary colorful clay pumpkins are the perfect addition to a coffee table or desk. And best of all - no carving is required! We'll even show you how to turn them into candle holders to illuminate your decor.
Step 1: Shape Into a Ball
With wet hands work the clay into a smooth round ball.
Step 2: Shape the Clay
Use your finger to push the clay halfway into a doughnut shape. This should also create a small dent in the top of the pumpkin where the stalk will eventually go.
Step 3: Score the Clay
Using a blunt tool or wooden skewer, score lines from this dent vertically down to the bottom of the ball. You want to make between 8 and 10 lines and keep them a little unevenly to make the pumpkin look realistic.
Step 4: Make the Stalk
Make a small cone shape in clay and bend halfway down. Wet the base of the cone and press it into the dent at the top of the pumpkin. Now leave the whole thing to fully dry out for 24 to 48 hours.
How to Make a Clay Pumpkin Candle Holder
Step 1: Press a Tea Light Into the Clay
Follow steps one, two and three as above. But instead of making the stalk, firmly push a tea light into the top of the pumpkin.
Step 2: Remove the Clay
Using your clay tool or a spoon, scoop some of the clay using the indent from the candle as a guide. Take out enough clay so that the candle fits nicely in the hole.
Step 3: Add the Candle
Check that the candle fits, and then smooth the outer surface of the clay. Leave to dry for 24 to 48 hours.
Painting the Pumpkins
Choose your colors and paint the pumpkins, taking care to push the brush into all of the creases and small spaces over the surface. Leave to dry and paint on a second layer.