Sunday 23 October 2016

Improve Your Skills in Basketball

Whether you want to improve your shooting skills or want to learn some techniques for defense, improving your basketball skills is easy if you know the right resources to use. There are many websites that can give you helpful tips on improving your game. There also are traditional resources like instructional books and movies that can give you some pointers. You can practice shooting and dribbling on your own, but for team-related skills like passing get together a group of at least 6 friends who are interested in playing a casual game of basketball, so you can practice in a real-life game scenario.

Basketball court
Practice consistent shooting. Learn your best range and stick with it. If you know that you always miss three-pointers, make sure you are closer when shooting. Practice balance and make sure that you lift the opposite foot from your shooting hand. Also, check your form and make sure that the wrist of your shooting hand is back and the elbow is pointing directly at the basket. Practice holding your hand above your head when shooting and make it a habit to follow through after you shoot by continuing to move your hands and fingers forward and down.

Improve your passing. Learning good passing is important for basketball since it is a team sport. It depends on all of its members equally. Learn the difference between a good pass and a bad one. A good pass is usually 12' to 15' between players, since any distance after 15' has space for interception. Make sure to make eye contact with the team member you want to pass to.

Learn how to dribble well. A good player has good control of the ball, so it is important to learn how to dribble well. You can practice running up and down the court with a ball to improve your dribbling skills. Another way is to take two basketballs and try to dribble them at the same time. Begin standing still and then when you feel comfortable start moving up and down the court. Once you master this drill, handling one ball will seem like a breeze.

Practice good defense. Remember that when you are guarding your assigned opponent, you should be with them at all times. Make sure that you are balanced by having your feet positioned as wide as your shoulders. Stay on the balls of your feet so that you are able to move quickly. Look at your opponent's waist to follow their movements accurately. Footwork is important in defense, so make sure that you practice moving side-to-side when guarding another player.

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