Saturday 22 October 2016

Middle School Basketball Tryout Tips

Middle school athletics are an important tool in the growth and maturity of pre-teens. Basketball lessons and fundamentals taught at the middle school level can go a long way in ensuring success later on. The following drills are helpful in determining which players have the basic basketball skills to make your middle school team.

Full Court Lay-ups
This drill will allow you to determine the player's conditioning and stamina level. One line will begin on the baseline of one end of the floor, and another line will begin on the baseline on the opposite end. To start, make sure the lines begin on the right side of the floor as the players will be dribbling down the court to attempt a right-handed layup. On your command, the player will speed dribble the length of the court and make a lay-up. He will get his own rebound and pass to the person in the front of the line on the side of the floor he is now on and will get in the back of the line. After five lay-ups on the right side, switch the lines so the players are attempting left-handed lay-ups.

Rebound and Outlet Drill
In this drill, the player throws the ball off of the backboard and jumps as high as he can to rebound it. When he descends, he will pivot and throw an outlet pass to the coach. The coach then throws a long pass down the court for the player to run to and catch as quickly as possible. This drill is perfect for determining a player's ability to execute harder drills as well as his understanding for basic fundamentals of rebounding.

This drill will help determine what a coach needs to work on with a player as far as shooting is concerned. Place five cones on the floor within the player's shooting range and have him shoot as many shots as he can in two minutes. After he shoots, have the player rebound his own shot and dribble to another cone on the floor and shoot. This will not only help determine what part of the player's shot needs to be worked on, but his stamina as well.

Loose Ball One on One
Loose Ball One on One will show how much heart and hustle a player has. With a line on either end of the court and the ball in the middle, the coach blows the whistle signaling the players in front of each line to hustle after the ball in the middle of the floor. Whichever player reaches the ball first plays offense and the other player plays defense until one player scores.

Passing drills determine what kind of passers you have on your basketball team. Have the players pair off and give each pair a ball. Each pair will spread apart until they are the width of the foul lane apart. Have them throw the ball back and forth to one another utilizing different types of passes such as the bounce pass, baseball pass and two-hand chest pass.

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