Saturday 22 October 2016

The Baskettball Rules for Kickball Foul

The game of basketball has different types of fouls and violations. Personal fouls are when a player impedes the play of another player by physically touching them. A player gets six personal fouls before they are ejected in the National Basketball Association. A violation, however, does not count toward a player's personal fouls. One such violation occurs when a basketball is kicked.

The Rule
A player is not allowed to intentionally kick the basketball with any part of their leg or foot. If the leg contact is unintentional or accidental, the referee may allow play to continue under their discretion, in which case there will not be a penalty assessed for the team that accidentally kicked the basketball.

The penalty for kicking the basketball is as follows: If the defensive team kicks the basketball, then it is awarded to the offensive team on the sideline closest to the spot where the kick basketball occurred. If the offensive team kicked the ball, then the defensive team will be awarded the basketball in the same manner. If the kicked ball occurs on a throw in by the defensive team, then the offensive team gets to throw the basketball in again.

The kicked basketball violation is usually signaled by the referee making a motion toward his foot, or extending his foot in a kick-like motion to alert the teams that contact with the foot was made.

Technical Foul
If a player flagrantly kicks or punts the basketball in a manner to disrupt the basketball game or as to make a statement against the official on the basketball court, they run the risk of getting a technical foul. If a player receives two technical fouls, they are out of the game. A technical does count as a personal foul. The other team will get to go to the free throw line and retain possession of the basketball as well.

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