Sunday, 15 April 2018

Step Out of the Marketing Echo Chamber

This article is a call to put more intention into the way we market our products and services - because our actions inform how we perceive ourselves, which affects how we think and act subsequently.

It started with a conversation with a seasoned entrepreneur who had built several businesses, including coaching/consulting and technology.

We talked about the fatigue and skepticism that's growing around all the marketing and promotional tactics flooding our space right now.

The blueprints and formulas that make everybody sound the same.

The hype that lures newcomers in the door with big promises of rainbows, unicorns and magic bullets; The churn and burn to make room for the next wave of new prospects.

I'm on the list of several "big wigs" in the "coaching" space (just to keep my ears on the ground) and I noticed how they're pumping out the same cycles of content year in year out launching the same programs - some of them twice or three times a year!

This churn and burn fatigue is getting worse. The cycles are getting shorter. Some marketers don't even bother to build relationship with their audience.

They may pay lip service to providing value... but we can smell clone-drone marketing from miles away. Might as well just go straight in for the kill.

The intention back in the beginning is threadbare - the collection of motions we're going through has been stripped of its meaning. It's hurting all of us.

The "rinse and repeat" makes not-giving-a-crap OK and encourages intellectual laziness rather than evolution and innovation.

I don't care how sparkly the sales pages are. I care about what comes up at the other end. That's what I see and hear - from the trenches, boots on the ground:

People get dumped out of the hamster wheel - dizzy, dazed, frazzled; feeling like a loser who takes 4 steps forward and 3 steps back, and not knowing what to do with themselves.

This is not right. We can't expect to get the whole "running a businesses" thing in just a year or two. (By that I mean really get it, not regurgitating jargons or reciting feel-good fluff.)

Yet this is the "life-cycle" of getting sucked into the machine, got churned and burned then spat out with a scattered bunch of tactics without the experience or perspective to tie them into a cohesive whole.

Leaving those with big ideas and good intention disillusioned, deflated and often out of funds.

We're done with those 4-video launches, 5-email sequences, 6-figure sound bytes and funnels with a dozen up-sell, cross-sell and down-sell permutations.

I've tried them. Sacrificing my voice and seeing the same thing happening to others made me sad.

I wish I had a "solution." I'm in as much of a pickle as everyone else.

If not more. Because somewhere along the way I've fallen in love with clarity, discernment and words...

Not only to do everything with utmost intentionality, but also to express the intention undiluted and unapologetically.

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