Sunday 8 December 2019

Best Tip to Play BS Drinking Game

BS is a great card game to play with friends on a Thirsty Thursday, or any other slow night of the week in college, or when you are just hanging out with friends. It's an enjoyable game to play with a small group of friends or with a large group of people. You will need at least one deck of cards, more decks if you have a crowd. The goal is to get rid of all your cards and be president of the next game.

Form a circle of players around a table. Deal the cards out evenly to all of the players. Six to eight players is ideal for one deck. If you have more than eight players, consider adding an additional deck or decks of cards.

Move play clockwise around the table. The first player is responsible for pushing aces toward the center of the table, the next player is responsible for pushing kings toward the center of the table, and so on. When you have played through twos, start again at aces. A player can push any number of cards toward the center of the table.

Push cards face down toward the center of the table. When a player pushes cards toward the center, that player should declare how many of what card he is pushing toward the center.

Yell out "BS" if you think a player is lying about what cards he has pushed toward the center of the table. If you caught the player lying, that player has to pick up all of the cards in the center of the table, take one drink for each card, and add those cards to his hand. If the player was telling the truth, you are forced to pick up all of the cards in the center of the table, take one drink for each card, and add the cards to your hand.

Get rid of all your cards first, and you win the game. If you plan on playing the game more than once, the winner of the first game can become president. The president gets to make up a rule, and a punishment for breaking that rule, that all players must abide by during the next game. If the same player continues to win games, that player gets to add more rules to the existing rules. When that player loses, his rules no longer apply.

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