Sunday 10 August 2014

Facebook Badge for Tweets

As a member of Facebook, you will produce numerous Facebook badges to share on alternative websites. Facebook badges contain content from your Facebook page, like your profile info, photos and likes. Generally, for you to post a Facebook badge on a web site, the web site should permit you to post a hypertext mark-up language code. as a result of Twitter doesn't permit you to post hypertext mark-up language codes directly into your tweets, you'll solely add a Facebook badge to your tweets by making and uploading a picture of your Facebook badge to an image-sharing web site that tweets your pictures.

Step 1

Sign in to your Facebook account and move to the Facebook Badges page to make your Facebook badge.

Step 2

Press the "Prt Scr" key on your keyboard to require a screen capture of your Facebook badge.

Step 3

Paste the screen capture into any image-editing program that you simply have put in on your pc, like Paint, Corel Paint search professional or Photoshop.

Step 4

Select solely the portion of the screen capture that contains your Facebook badge and click on "Crop" to crop the image.

Step 5

Save the screen capture to your pc as a JPEG, PNG or GIF image.

Step 6

Navigate to a free image-sharing web site that enables you to share pictures on Twitter, like Twitpic, Yfrog or Lockerz and transfer the image of your Facebook badge.

Step 7

Click "Post" or "Send" (depending on the service you utilize ) from the transfer page to mechanically add the image of your Facebook badge to your tweets.

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