Wednesday 13 August 2014

Facebook Notifications for Likes

By default, Facebook sends you an email notification once a fan Likes one amongst your posts. If you post usually or have several friends who use Facebook, these emails will quickly become additional nuisance than facilitate, particularly if you check your Facebook account often. as luck would have it, you'll be able to modification the notification settings so they work higher for you.

What Warrants Notification
If the default settings are left unchanged, Facebook sends email notifications for Likes on all of your posts. This includes not solely page  updates, but photos, notes, links and anything with a Like button.

Accessing Notification Settings
To access your account's notification settings, log in to Facebook as was common, then click the Account button and choose "Account Settings" from the menu. Click "Notifications" within the aspectbar on the left side of the screen.

Adjusting Notification Settings
The Notifications screen displays all of the Facebook tools that send email notifications upon use. Click the Edit button next to every entry to alter your notification choices, that vary from an overall ban on notification regarding all activity on Facebook to an email alert each time anyone sends you a message, adds you as a fan, posts on your wall or tags you in an exceedingly photograph, among a bunch of alternative potential actions.

Stopping Like Notifications
To have Facebook begin or stop causing notifications of Likes, click the "Edit" link next to the "Facebook" entry on the "All Notifications" list. The entry "Likes your post" is at very cheap of this list. place a check during this box if you favor to receive email notifications whenever somebody Likes a post you've got created. Keep the box blank if you are doing not wish to receive the emails.

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