A driver's license number is a very important number. You may be filling out various types of forms and applications such as passport applications, financial aid applications or a job applications, many of which require this number. Every state's, state issued license card looks different and the number can be found in different places. The placement of this number will determine the placement of the number.
Look at your driver's license.
Locate the top lines which will say, Indiana Operator License. This will be surrounded by pink if you are under the age of 21.
The next line of information will say DNL:. The numbers following is your driver's license number.
Locating the Driver's License Number on a Minor's License
Look at your driver's license.
Locate the picture.
Under the picture, the first line of information should start out with the letters, DLN:. The numbers following is your driver's license number.
Look at your driver's license.
Locate the top lines which will say, Indiana Operator License. This will be surrounded by pink if you are under the age of 21.
The next line of information will say DNL:. The numbers following is your driver's license number.
Locating the Driver's License Number on a Minor's License
Look at your driver's license.
Locate the picture.
Under the picture, the first line of information should start out with the letters, DLN:. The numbers following is your driver's license number.