Dating has endless options: You can aim for the traditional dating classics, spice things up with the unconventional, or plan an economic yet creative agenda.
Interests and Hobbies
Finding time to plan can be daunting, so start by channeling your date's interests or hobbies to give the night a personal touch.
Instant Upgrade
Upgrade to dinner and a live show to keep the experience interactive and fresh. Kick it up a notch by staging a "mock review" to see if you agree or disagree with the local critics.
Top Chef Meets Blockbuster
Get economical and cut costs like transportation and tips by making it a blockbuster night. "Top Chef" will be joining the party, so grab a cookbook, hit the local grocery store and get cooking with your date.
Game On
Game night doesn't have to mean dive bar and beer. Upgrade by investing in tickets to the game or get active and go bowling. Just remember to bring your own socks.
The Art Scene
The arts scene offers endless possibilities from live music concerts to open-mike night. Many restaurants, bars and cafes transform into artistic venues at night.
Be You
Leave inhibitions at the door and find your local karaoke hot-spot. Singing a duet will place both parties on equal ground and provide something to laugh about all night long.

Finding time to plan can be daunting, so start by channeling your date's interests or hobbies to give the night a personal touch.
Instant Upgrade
Upgrade to dinner and a live show to keep the experience interactive and fresh. Kick it up a notch by staging a "mock review" to see if you agree or disagree with the local critics.
Top Chef Meets Blockbuster
Get economical and cut costs like transportation and tips by making it a blockbuster night. "Top Chef" will be joining the party, so grab a cookbook, hit the local grocery store and get cooking with your date.
Game On
Game night doesn't have to mean dive bar and beer. Upgrade by investing in tickets to the game or get active and go bowling. Just remember to bring your own socks.
The Art Scene
The arts scene offers endless possibilities from live music concerts to open-mike night. Many restaurants, bars and cafes transform into artistic venues at night.
Be You
Leave inhibitions at the door and find your local karaoke hot-spot. Singing a duet will place both parties on equal ground and provide something to laugh about all night long.