Monday, 27 July 2015

Pros & Cons of Snow Chains

Snow chains are available at auto stores such as Auto Zone or Sears and come in different sizes to fit most tires. Snow chains are fairly easy to install or remove quickly, but they can cause damage to your vehicle if they are used incorrectly.

While many stores will sell a set of chains on average $40 to $60 when they are not in season, some stores do mark up to $100 for a set during snowstorm season. As of December 2010, the average cost for a set of snow chains for cars is $40 to $80, with truck and SUV chains averaging in cost from $119 to $199 per set. The chains are less expensive than purchasing a set of snow tires, which can run from $50 to $120 per tire.

Snow chains are a temporary solution during winter, as you can put them on right before a snowstorm. You can put them on or take them off anytime, unlike snow tires which are permanent due to the installation taking more time and effort. Chains are difficult to put on in the snow because certain types require you to drive onto them and climb under the tire well to install, which can be difficult in snow that is deep.

Driving Conditions
While driving with snow chains, the suggested maximum speed is 30 MPH because excees speed can make the chains come off, causing damage to your vehicle as well as other vehicles. Driving with the chains on your car will feel like driving on square wheels. The chains will be loud and driving will be rough. Driving on dry roads with snow chains is not recommended because the surface can make them come off.

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