Thursday, 23 July 2015

Scavenger Ideas for Boyfriends

If you're looking for a creative way to ignite your guy's interest, put a spark back in a fizzling flame or show him that you care with a fun-filled activity, treat your boyfriend to a scavenger hunt. You can set up a sensual scavenger hunt that features cues and clues in a flirty style that amps up the romantic factor.

Love Story
Remembering how, when and where the two of you fell for each other can put the electricity back into your relationship. Make a list of special places that hold precious moments. Write out clues for each space that feature memorable moments such as, "Go where we first kissed," or, "Find the place where we had our first date." Organize the scavenger hunt in a chronological order, creating a time line of your love. You can also make it thematic and include a specific aspect of your relationship such as places that you ate together or outdoor areas that you visit.

Funny Fest
Sharing a laugh together can bring you and your guy closer and improve your moods, according to licensed psychologist Suzanne Philllips on the website PsychCentral. Create a humorous scavenger hunt. This can have any theme or questions that you like, as long as they are funny. For example, have your guy look for silly items such as a "banana hammock" by putting a real piece of fruit in your backyard hammock.

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