Tuesday 28 July 2015

Start a Conversation With a Woman

For centuries, pickup artists have gotten the girls and left unsuccessful guys thinking, “How did he do that?” It is not that these Casanovas are more attractive, smarter or richer; the only thing that separates them from the unsuccessful is that they have mastered their art. Do not miss out on the girl of your dreams just because you are afraid of talking to a woman. You only have one time to make a good first impression so master the basics, like starting a conversation with a woman. One conversation can set the entire tone of the relationship (if there is one).

Pump yourself up mentally. If women have to kiss a thousand frogs before meeting Prince Charming, men probably have to go through a comparable number of rejections. But as one writer as the “Attract Women” site says, “I miss 100% of the shots I don't take!” After all the worst that can happen is a “No.” Rejection is a part of life.

Connect nonverbally at first with the woman who catches your eye. Start with cues from her face first. The two main cues to look for are the smile and eyes. Smile and see if she reciprocates. Next, give her a glance or a wink if you are feeling bold. If she glances at you, looks down or away, and then back at you, then it's probably because she is interested.

Read the rest of her body language. If a woman starts playing with her hair, crossing her legs in your direction and has her arms unfolded, then these are all favorable clues that you are welcome to approach her.

Introduce yourself to the woman. According to the Advising & Learning Assistance Center, it is normal and common for anyone to start a conversation. Just make sure that it is a friendly and polite one.

Use a stellar opener. You have four different types to choose from. Openers are all part of having a strategy. Not only do they give the illusion of confidence, but they can give you a boost. Instead of stopping midway or feeling awkward when there's silence, openers can guide the conversation. You can ask a woman for her opinion (pinion openers), ask her a question, such as if she's single (screening openers), giving her a compliment (direct openers), or talking about something you noticed about her or her environment (observational openers). Play around with your arsenal of openers and expect positive results.

Communicate with the woman. Communicating with a woman does not mean just talking. In order to be an effective communicator, master the art of actually listening to a woman Ask her questions, summarize and repeat back the information she's given you and respond by asking for clarifying information. If you act engaged in what she's saying, then she will most likely want to know more about you on an actual date.

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