Check to be sure the parking brake is engaged and switch the drive select lever to either forward or reverse,
depending on which direction you want the gas-powered golf cart to go.
Turn the key to the golf cart's "On" position. If the engine is cold, pull the choke knob out and hold it while starting. You do not need to do this if the engine is already warm.
Release the choke knob and make sure there are no obstructions in your path.
Press down on the accelerator pedal, and the gas-powered golf cart will move.
Tips & Warnings
In many models of gas-powered golf carts, like the Yamaha YTF2, the parking brake releases automatically when you push the accelerator pedal.
Before operating your golf cart, check the oil level and make sure it has enough gasoline. You also may want to check the tire pressure.
Allow only qualified people, usually those with valid driver's licenses, to operate your golf cart.
Make sure the parking brake is secured before turning off your golf cart.
Do not press the accelerator pedal while turning the key. The golf cart may jolt unexpectedly.
Never turn the drive select lever from forward to reverse while the cart is moving. You could damage the transmission.
Do not operate your golf cart at night without using the headlights.