Tuesday 28 July 2015

Use a Pick-Up Line to Get Girls Number

Some singles set themselves a goal when they go to a party or club on a Saturday night. Some will settle for nothing less than instant gratification. Others like the fishing-for-numbers technique. While scoring immediately is a long shot, collecting telephone or pager numbers for further pursuit raises the eventual odds of hooking up. Discover how to catch a girl's number with a unique pick-up line.

Be Sincere
Plan to actually call the girls whose numbers you get.

Use a pick-up line that implies you're interested in more than just sex. Express your curiosity about the girl's personality, such as, "Hi there. I was just wondering whether you're a cat person or a dog person."

Promote a dependable image of family values. Use a line like "You're the kind of a girl I'd like to take home to Mother."

Display your faithfulness by letting her know you want more than a one-night stand. Try "I'd really love to see you tomorrow night. And the night after that, and the night after that, and the night after that."

Be Shocking
Fool her, and then get in on the joke. Tell the girl you need her number now because you're doctor says you're dying. When she responds, tell her what you're really dying to do with her.

Get a girl to agree with you on something else before you ask her to say "yes" to giving you her number. For instance, at a crowded party, you could ask, "Do you ever feel like a number? Good. Give me yours!"

Use touch to make a trade. See how many numbers you can get with the pick-up line "I'm giving away a free massage for your phone number." Then make good on the deal all night.

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