Tuesday 28 July 2015

Use Tricks to Pick Up Girls

Girls are tough to get to know for the first time. Singles who want to connect need to cut through the competition first just to get the chance to say hello. Once you get a girl talking though, it's fairly easy to lead her where you want to go. Stand out from the crowd and make an impression on the ladies by performing magic tricks at your next party.

Conjure Up Some Magic Tricks
Build a magic repertoire. You'll need to pick a variety of tricks to appeal to a variety of girls. Use tricks that invite interaction, such as card tricks, or inspire instant awe, such as seemingly impossible optical illusions.

Test the tricks on your friends. Notice how and when you can invite audience input, such as asking someone to pick up a card or think of a certain color or number.

Write a script and memorize your spiel. Take the opportunity to inject humor or romance into your delivery. Make a joke about high drink prices when working with coin tricks, or deliver an amorous line when a girl picks the queen of hearts from a deck.

Perform Your Magic Pick-Up Act
Decide whether to entertain an entire roomful of girls or pick just one or two romantic targets. This may depend on the trick you have selected.

Do tricks but make audience eye contact. Let each of the girls think you are performing just for her. Then they'll be fighting over who gets to talk to you first!

Use an enthusiastic response from girls to play up your talent. Get girls talking about their hobbies by telling them how you got interested in magic.

Use a negative response from girls to help rewrite your script for the next time, or try a different setting for your performance. An intimate disappearing act might play better one-on-one than in a noisy club.

Remain mysterious. For a sexy ploy, when a girl asks you to explain a trick, fall back on the magician's code and keep it a secret.

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