Saturday 27 February 2016

Import Tumblr Content on Facebook Pages

Tumblr could be considered one of the most forward-thinking blogging platforms when it comes to social networking, between the Dashboard, "Ask" feature, submissions, Tumblr Explore and automatic posting to Twitter and Facebook. If you have a Facebook fan page, automatically importing your Tumblr posts and content is an easy way to increase traffic and get more exposure for your blog. Adding Tumblr to your Facebook fan page is not the same as adding it to your personal account, but you will need to use your personal account to authorize access.

Start your Web browser and open two tabs or windows. In the first tab or window, navigate to Log in to your account and navigate to your Facebook fan page. In the second tab, first navigate to and log in to your account, then navigate to

Click the "Connect with Facebook" button on the Tumblr "Publish to Facebook Pages" page. It is important that you click the button on Do not add the Tumblr app directly on Facebook, as this will connect it to your account and not your page. Click the tab next to "Apply these settings for" and select your Facebook fan page.

Click the "Allow" button when prompted by Facebook and then navigate back to your Facebook fan page in the window or tab you previously opened.

Click the "Edit Page" button and then click the "Apps" link in the left column. Under "Tumblr," click "Go to App."

Select the Tumblr blog you want to import. This option will only be available if you have more than one blog on Tumblr.

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