Saturday 27 February 2016

Stop People From Tagging You

Facebook is a leading networking site that enables you to make friends from around the world and stay in touch with friends and family. Your Facebook friends have the ability to tag you to pictures they consider relevant to you; however, some people get carried away and tag you on so many pictures that it becomes annoying as these picture get displayed on your profile. Unfortunately Facebook doesn't offer a feature that allows you to stop people from tagging you, but you can customize your privacy settings to keep people from seeing the pictures you are tagged in.

Log in to your Facebook account and click the "Account" tab on the upper-right corner of the window.

Click the "Privacy Settings" option from the drop-down menu and then click the "Customize settings" link.

Click the "Edit Settings" tab displayed beside where it says "Photos and videos you're tagged in." This is located in the "Things others share" section.

Click the "Friends Only" tab displayed in the pop-up box that says "Photos and videos I'm tagged in" and the click "Customize" from the drop-down menu.

Click the drop-down menu displayed beside where it says "These people" on the "Custom Privacy" box. Click the "Only Me" option from the drop-down menu. Thereafter click the "Save Setting" to save the changes. This setting will keep other people from viewing the pictures that you have been tagged in. This is the only way to control tagged pictures.

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