Monday, 29 February 2016

Tell if You've Been Poked on Facebook

As a social media website, Facebook encourages its members to interact and communicate with friends in variety of different ways. One of the most popular ways for members to connect is to say hello or acknowledge another friend with a "poke." A poke is somewhat like receiving an imaginary playful jab in your side or stomach. If you are not sure if you have ever been poked, there is a simple and quick way to find out.

Log on to your Facebook account with your email address and password. This will bring up your personal home page on the Facebook website.

Look to the right side of the home page. Find the area on the page where "Upcoming Events" and "People You May Know" are listed. You may also see advertisements or suggested pages for you to "Like" instead.

Scroll down to the middle of the home page and continue to look to the right side of the page. If you have been poked, you will see "Pokes" written in black; you'll also see a poking blue finger icon along with the names of the friends who have given you a poke.

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