Google is a search engine people use to browse the Internet. If you created a web page and want to add it to Google's index, you can submit your page. Google doesn't add every web page submitted, but if they add your page, Google users will be able to find it if your page matches up to their search terms.
Go to Google's "Add URL" page (see References). You can add your web page and details about your page here.
Enter the URL for your web page in the form next to "URL." Make sure to enter the full URL address, including the "http://" part of the address.
Add details about your web page in the form next to "Comments." You can include some keywords for your website or a description of your page.
Type the letters from the security image in the form below the image. This will let Google know your web page wasn't submitted by a software robot.
Click the "Add URL" button. Your web page is now submitted to Google. They will review it and decide if they want to add it to their index.
Go to Google's "Add URL" page (see References). You can add your web page and details about your page here.
Enter the URL for your web page in the form next to "URL." Make sure to enter the full URL address, including the "http://" part of the address.
Add details about your web page in the form next to "Comments." You can include some keywords for your website or a description of your page.
Type the letters from the security image in the form below the image. This will let Google know your web page wasn't submitted by a software robot.
Click the "Add URL" button. Your web page is now submitted to Google. They will review it and decide if they want to add it to their index.