Authors today have more options for getting their books noticed than ever before. They can print them as physical books, offer them as ebooks or audio books and distribute them on Internet stores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Now authors can publish books through a program developed by Google. The Google Books program allows authors and publishers to submit books for inclusion in Google's search results, free of charge. When users search for content relevant to your book, Google searches the book and displays the book's title, author and an excerpt that contains the users search terms.
Visit the Google Books Partner Program Website. Sign up to join as a partner by filling out pertinent
information about yourself and your book. The information you need to provide is divided into three sections: General Information, Contact Information and Program Information.
Fill out the "General Information" section by verifying that you hold the copyright for the titles you plan to submit. Indicate whether you are an author or publisher. Supply the number of titles currently in print and the number of new titles published per year. Select your country or territory.
Choose whether you want to operate as an individual or as a business. Individual account payments are made payable to the payee name and requires a social security number. Business account payments are made payable to the business name and requires an employer identification number.
Fill out the "Contact Information" section by supplying your name, payee name, address, phone number and/or fax number. Fill out the "Program Information" section by choosing a Google Books display name. This name will link to your logo or website. Provide your website address if applicable. Choose the type of emails you want to receive from Google Books and how often you want to receive them.
Press the "Submit Information" button. Select whether you already have a Google account or need to sign up for a new one. If you already have an account, choose whether you want to use your existing account or create a new login and password for Google Books.
Verify that your information is correct. You can't change the payee name or country once you proceed to the next page. Press the "Sign into Google Account" button and sign in. Read the "Terms and Conditions" and check the box at the end. Press the "I Accept" button.
Scroll down to the "Add books" section and fill out information about your books. Provide the book's title and author, as well as the ISBN number. This is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each book.
Specify "Territorial Rights." This refers to the countries for which you hold publishing rights. Examples include worldwide, US only, Canada only, etc. Click the question mark next to the "Territorial Rights" column for the code you need to use.
Provide a "Buy Link" if applicable. This is the link where people can purchase your book. Google Books will display the link next to your book. Choose "Yes" if you want to display images from your books.
Submit your books to the program by electronically uploading them via PDF or mailing printed copies to Google. To ship books, click on the "Books" tab and select "Add Books." Click "Upload/Ship Books" and print a shipping label. To upload a PDF file, navigate to the Upload/Ship Books page. Click the "Browse" button to locate the PDF file on your computer. Click "Upload Files." Use the Google Uploader tool if your files are larger than 10 MB.

information about yourself and your book. The information you need to provide is divided into three sections: General Information, Contact Information and Program Information.
Fill out the "General Information" section by verifying that you hold the copyright for the titles you plan to submit. Indicate whether you are an author or publisher. Supply the number of titles currently in print and the number of new titles published per year. Select your country or territory.
Choose whether you want to operate as an individual or as a business. Individual account payments are made payable to the payee name and requires a social security number. Business account payments are made payable to the business name and requires an employer identification number.
Fill out the "Contact Information" section by supplying your name, payee name, address, phone number and/or fax number. Fill out the "Program Information" section by choosing a Google Books display name. This name will link to your logo or website. Provide your website address if applicable. Choose the type of emails you want to receive from Google Books and how often you want to receive them.
Press the "Submit Information" button. Select whether you already have a Google account or need to sign up for a new one. If you already have an account, choose whether you want to use your existing account or create a new login and password for Google Books.
Verify that your information is correct. You can't change the payee name or country once you proceed to the next page. Press the "Sign into Google Account" button and sign in. Read the "Terms and Conditions" and check the box at the end. Press the "I Accept" button.
Scroll down to the "Add books" section and fill out information about your books. Provide the book's title and author, as well as the ISBN number. This is a unique 13-digit number assigned to each book.
Specify "Territorial Rights." This refers to the countries for which you hold publishing rights. Examples include worldwide, US only, Canada only, etc. Click the question mark next to the "Territorial Rights" column for the code you need to use.
Provide a "Buy Link" if applicable. This is the link where people can purchase your book. Google Books will display the link next to your book. Choose "Yes" if you want to display images from your books.
Submit your books to the program by electronically uploading them via PDF or mailing printed copies to Google. To ship books, click on the "Books" tab and select "Add Books." Click "Upload/Ship Books" and print a shipping label. To upload a PDF file, navigate to the Upload/Ship Books page. Click the "Browse" button to locate the PDF file on your computer. Click "Upload Files." Use the Google Uploader tool if your files are larger than 10 MB.