Monday, 21 March 2016

Remove Google Jump Virus

A "jump" virus is one that attacks Internet Explorer, redirecting you to a separate page (often an ad) when you try to access certain sites. As a popular Web destination, Google is a common target for such malware. If every time you go to you are redirected to some other site, your computer is infected with a Google jump virus. To remove the virus and access Google, you will need to run a malware removal tool included with Windows.

Run Microsoft's "Malware Removal Tool," a program that comes included on all PCs. To do so, open the Start menu at the bottom right corner of your desktop and click the dialogue titled "Run." Type "MRT" (no quotes) when it opens and then hit the ENTER key. If you get an error message, you can download another copy from Microsoft.

Click once on the "Next" button.

Click once on the "Full Scan" selection. The Full Scan presents a better chance than the "Quick Scan" default of finding and removing a Google jump virus.

Click once on the "Next" button. Wait for the jump virus-infected hard drive scan to complete.

Follow the steps onscreen to remove the Google jump virus.

Click once on the "Finish" button.

Restart your computer.

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