Sunday 27 March 2016

Set Up Google AdWords Account

If you run an online business or are an affiliate marketer, Google AdWords could be the perfect tool to publicize your business or product. Your ads will display instantly to millions of potential customers and you can bring in new business within minutes for only a few cents a click.

Initial Setup
Go to the Google AdWords home page and click the "Start Now" button.

Choose a "Starter" or "Standard Edition" account. For the most flexibility in your Google AdWords ads, choose the standard edition.

Select the language in which you want your ads to display. Choose the language your customers are most likely to use.

Decide how targeted you want your ads to be. If you are selling worldwide (an e-book as an affiliate marketer, for example) you'll likely want to choose all countries and territories. If you are a physical business that ships throughout your country, choose your country only. If you are a local business that only sells locally, choose the customized option and your ads will only show up for customers within the geographical area you specify. Click "Continue" when you've made your choices.

Creating Your Google AdWords Ad
Type the headline of your ad. Make this catchy, and be sure it contains the keyword phrase you want this ad to trigger. For example, if you are selling cat furniture want the ad to show up when someone enters the phrase "buy cat furniture" into Google, your headline might be "Buy Cat Furniture For Less." You have a maximum of 35 characters to create your headline, so make every word count.

Enter the first description line of your ad. You have 25 characters to give a brief description of your products. For example: "Fun Furniture For Cats."

Create the last line of your ad. You will want to entice the reader to visit your Web site so tell them to do so with an offer like "See Our Selection Here." Again, you have 25 characters so make your words count.

Add the display URL of your Web site to your AdWords ad.

Include your destination URL. This can be the same as your display URL if you want to send customers to your home page of your Web site. If you are an affiliate marketer, though, enter the link with your affiliate ID to ensure your commission should someone buy through your ad. Click "Continue."

Entering Your Keywords
Choose the phrases and keywords you think are most likely to trigger your ad. Your Google AdWords ad is displayed only when someone enters a search term into Google that you have specifically requested, so do some keyword research to ensure you know which phrases will work best for your product.

Enter your chosen keywords into the box provided, one per line. Beside this box you will see a link named "Advanced Option: Match Types." This shows you how to add special characters to your keywords to control how exact you want to match your keywords to an entered search term. For example: [cat furniture] will only display if someone enters that exact phrase into Google, while "cat furniture" will also show for phrases such as "buy cat furniture" or "cheap cat furniture." Leaving a keyword phrase without special characters ensures your ads will show up when any combination of a keyword phrase is entered, such as "sell cat furniture."

Add negative keywords. There may be some words or phrases that you don't want your ads to show up for. A good example of this is the word "free." You're not giving away your product so you don't want to waste time or clicks on people looking for a free ride. You can eliminate all keyword searches that contain the word "free" by entering the word with a minus sign in front of it ("-free"). Click "Continue" when you are done entering your keywords.

Adding Personal and Campaign Information
Choose the currency you'll use to pay for your advertising.

Select your daily Google AdWords campaign budget. This is how much you are willing to spend per day on advertising. While you don't want to set it too high and overspend, you also don't want to set it so low that your ads won't show up enough to generate business. As a starting point, try for $10 a day and lower or raise it as needed.

Choose your cost per click (CPC), or how much you are willing to pay each time someone clicks on your ad. Try entering a low number to begin with and click the "Get Estimate" button to find out if your ads will display at that price and where your ad will show in comparison to similar ads. You may have to raise your price for better positioning.

Review your ad and make sure everything is correct. Click "Continue" when you are done.

Choose whether you are a new user or have an existing Google account. Complete the following steps if you are a new user.

Enter your email address and choose a password. Then enter the security word shown and click on the "Create Account" button.

Go to your email in-box and open the confirmation email from Google. Click the activation link and sign into your new AdWords account.

Click on the link to the fields for your billing information. Your ads will not begin showing until this last step is completed.

Choose your country and time zone.

Choose your preferred payment method.

Read and agree to Google's terms of service.

Enter your credit card or bank information and your billing address.

Indicate from the options your type of business.

Click "Save" to activate your account.

Your Google AdWords account is now created and your ads will begin displaying shortly.

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