Tuesday 14 June 2016

Cat That Like to Play With Water

Cat breeds that like to play with water? Surely, this is some kind of a bad joke. Well, it isn't, and we're bringing you a list of cat breeds that actually enjoy a little splashing around.

But first, why do cats hate water so much?
It is speculated that cats do not like the sensation of their fur being water logged―it could be because it weighs them down. The top layer of a cat's coat is water resistant to a certain degree, but once it seeps down, the cat usually begins to protest. Also, cats happen to be fastidious cleaners by nature, giving themselves a thorough bath using their tongue. As mysterious as they are, we can merely speculate, and not precisely determine the reason behind a cat's abhorrence towards water.
All said and done, there is an exception to every rule―the rule here being that 'cats hate water'. Well, obviously not all of them do, and there are quite a few felines who merrily enjoy a splash in a tub of warm water, irrespective of the breed they may belong to.

Domestic cats have traditionally been protected pets―unlike dogs, they have been encouraged to spend most of their time indoors, with the purpose of keeping the household rodent-free. Traditionally, humans preferred taking their dogs out on hunting trips, purposefully using them to retrieve their kill even from lakes and ponds. That being said, certain felines native to warmer regions of the world did not hesitate in taking an occasional dip to cool off as the mercury soared.
Cat Breeds That Love to Play With Water
Before we begin to profile these water-loving felines, remember that each cat is different, and may always display behavior that is contrary to the breed she belongs to. Thus, if your cat loves his bath time, and you can't find his breed in here, fret not―he still is a unique, water-loving feline.
Maine Coon parents are sure to vouch for their beloved pet's utter fascination with water. These gigantic felines have had a history of sorts with the sea, being native to New England.

It is said that Maine Coons were indispensable on ships―they did a fine job of keeping them rodent-free. Also, they were known to be quite the water babies with their shaggy, waterproof coat helping them to stay afloat while paddling in shallow waters looking for fish.

Even today, most Maine Coons love to play in water―ask the owners who always have to keep their toilet lid down to keep their cat from exhibiting some classic dog-like behavior.
The Bengal is one amazing breed, and we're not just talking about his gorgeous looks or his affable temperament.

Bengals are known for their love of water, and there are quite a few among them who even enjoy splashing about in a tub of warm water, along with some toys.

Bengal parents often share crazy anecdotes of how their pet loves to barge in while they're showering, quite enjoying the sprinkling water falling on their body.

Manx cats are native to the Isle of Man, an island off the coast of Great Britain. Being island dwellers, these felines are no strangers to water, as is quite evident from their antics. Just like the Maine Coons, Manx cats have traditionally been ship hands, and have never really displayed an aversion to water.

Their intelligence and cheerful disposition also makes them fine house cats―that is until they figure out how to open the faucets. They do seem to have a thing for running water, these cheeky fellas.
Abys are adorable-looking darlings, and count among the most affectionate cat breeds. They are fond of cuddling and can be very demonstrative with their affection―until they hear the sound of water.

All cats, by nature tend to be curious, but the Abyssinian takes this to a whole new level as far as water is concerned. He will paddle his paws in his water bowl, and play for hours on end if you give him a drinking water fountain.

These very distinct breeds possess a widely-known affinity towards water.

The Japanese bobtail is an island breed, and never hesitates to paddle his paws in an aquarium or a shallow pond, particularly looking for his next meal.

The American bobtail, pictured here, is also fond of dunking his toys in the water bowl as and when he wishes. In case of both breeds, their coats are water-resistant to some extent, so playing in water always seems like an enjoyable activity.

The Savannah has a bit of serval in his ancestry, which makes her a very playful, active, and mischievous cat.

If this has got you worrying, then please don't, because the Savannah isn't wild in the remotest sense, but her adventurous nature does make her a bit hard to handle.

These cats are very fond of playing with water, and many Savannah owners say that getting a drinking water fountain was the best gift they could give their cat.

Legend tells us that the Turkish Van cat swam ashore from Noah's Ark after it came to rest on Mt. Ararat. In reality, the breed originated in the area around Lave Van in Turkey, also lending its name to the breed.

These cats were known to take a dip in the lake to escape the heat during the summer months, and retain their love for swimming. Their single-layered coat is water-resistant to a great degree.

The Turkish Angora is not to be confused with the Turkish Van―it actually is a separate breed, originating in the Ankara region.

But the similarity is that both these cats love to hunt fish in shallow ponds and pools, and are not afraid of swimming either.

Your Turkish Angora will be more than willing to take a dip in the children's pool to cool off in the summer. If you don't have one, even a bathtub will suffice.

Known for their superior hunting and fishing skills, the royal-looking Norwegian Forest cats love to take a dip in the water.

Their luxurious coat is thick and water-resistant, insulating them from the cold climes of their native Norway. Plus, it also helps them to retain body heat if they decide to go for a swim or if they simply feel like fishing.

So you see, not all cats are water-weary; in fact, if you happen to encounter a member of any breed mentioned here, don't be surprised to see him having a gala time in the shower. Water-loving cats may be somewhat of a rarity, but they aren't that hard to find.

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