Thursday 9 June 2016

Google Crawl to Index Website

There are many factors that influence a website's placement on Google. The exact algorithms used by the world's top search engine are a company secret, and Google does not guarantee the time it takes for a site to be indexed. It is not uncommon for a new website to appear on Google after several days. Some sites, however, may take weeks to be discovered, or may be rejected by Google.

Basics of Google Crawling
A website does not instantly appear on Google as soon as it is built. First, Google must discover and index your website. The most common way for the search engine to find a site is with a "Googlebot," also known as a spider. You can think of a Googlebot as a virtual robot, which wanders the Internet automatically. Spiders are programmed to quickly moved from page to page, recording what they find. They follow nearly every web link they encounter, and are constantly on the search for new content.

When a Googlebot comes across a website that has changed or is completely new, the information is sent to Google. The search engine's algorithm evaluates hundreds of factors about the website, including its text and relevance.

Based on this algorithm, Google places the site in their index. High-quality websites often rank well in the index, while low-quality content is penalized. The entire discovery and indexing process may take several days, or even weeks.

How Google Finds Your Site
Google relies heavily on web links in order to find new content. This makes it difficult for a new website to be discovered, unless there are links to its pages. If a site has no incoming links from other sources, it may never be found and indexed.

In addition to links, Google uses webmaster notifications to discover websites that have not yet been found by a Googlebot. You can add your website to Google Webmaster Tools for free, as long as you have a Google user account. There is no guarantee that a site will be added to the index. However, Webmaster Tools often allows the search engine to become aware of your website faster than with Googlebots alone.

Ways to Speed Up Indexing
It is smart to provide multiple ways for Google to find your website. This increases the chances that your site will be indexed quickly. When your site is ready, add it to Webmaster Tools. This gives the search engine early notification that your site exists.

Generally, the more web links that point to your site, the sooner Googlebots can reach it. You can build a variety of links from different sources, all acting as bridges to your content. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, provide an easy way to share links. If you post a simple status update mentioning your new site to your friends, it is likely that Google will follow these links.

A sitemap can also speed up the indexing process. Sitemaps are special documents that list every page within your site. Google can use the sitemap to discover pages that it may have missed. Google Webmaster Tools has more information on this process, and a wide variety of sites enable you to create a sitemap for free.

Avoiding Common Problems
There are some pitfalls that you need to avoid in order to have your site quickly and successfully indexed in Google. The content of your site is an important factor. Google strongly prefers websites that have unique, useful content. Avoid using text that has been duplicated from another source. Additionally, ensure that the content is genuinely useful and relevant.

Quality is more important than quantity. Well-placed web links are vital, but excessive links are troublesome. Make sure not to spam the Internet with thousands of links. Several links from reputable sources will help your site's rank in the index, while spam tactics can delay or derail your success on Google.

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