Thursday 9 June 2016

Optimize DNS Server for Netflix

When you are trying to watch a movie or TV show from Netflix, stuttering video or constant re-buffering can quickly ruin the experience. Though you may have an Internet connection that is technically fast enough for Netflix, a slow DNS server used for address translation may cripple the actual speed of the connection. By running a few tests and changing a few settings, you can optimize your connection for video streaming.

Running Namebench Tests
Download Namebench (link in Resources) and run it from the folder it was saved to by double-clicking the file. Click the "Run" and "Extract" buttons when prompted. Click the "Start Benchmark" button to begin testing. For the most accurate results, do not use the Internet during the process. A series of commands will be run in a new window. After several minutes, a browser window will be opened with the test results. From the section labeled "Recommended Configuration" write down the numerical IP addresses for the primary and secondary servers. Keep the results page open to refer to later.

Running DNS Benchmark Tests
Download DNS Benchmark (link in Resources) and start it by double-clicking the file and clicking the "Run" button when prompted. From the "Namservers" tab, click the "Run Benchmark" button. Again, avoid Internet use during testing. It will take several minutes, and afterwards another window will open. Click the "Not now" button to close it. Under the "Nameservers" tab in the original window will be the test results for the servers. Keep this screen open for reference.

Compare Test Results
Compare the "Tested DNS Servers" section of the Namebench results to the DNS Benchmark results. Faster servers are towards the top in both. The first server from the "Recommended Configuration" section of the Namebench results should also rank highly in the DNS Benchmark results. This will be used as your primary DNS server. If the second recommended server in Namebench also ranks high in DNS Benchmark, this will be the secondary server. Otherwise choose another server that ranks high in both sets of results.

Configuring DNS Servers in Windows
Open the Control Panel, or right-click on the network icon, and select "Network and Sharing Center." Click on the network adapter you are using, and click the "Properties" button. Select "Internet Protocol Version 4" from the "Networking" tab and click the "Properties" button. Select the option labeled "Use the following DNS Server Addresses." Type the addresses of the primary and secondary servers into the spaces provided and click the "OK" button. Use this method if the computer is connected directly to the Internet without a router.

Configuring DNS Servers on a Router
If you have not reconfigured your router, find the default IP address, username and password in the owner's manual. Type your router's specific address into a Web browser. Type in the username and password. Find the section with the router's IP address and DNS server configuration. Select the option to use specific DNS servers, enter the server addresses, save, and reboot the router.

Final Note
If may be necessary to run the tests a few times to find the most reliable servers. In addition, the tests should be run periodically to make sure you are still using the best servers, because the performance of the servers may vary over time, some may be shut down and new servers may be added.

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