Friday 3 June 2016

Tips to Size Batting Helmet

A batting helmet protects the head when the player is standing inside of a baseball or softball batter's box. Just as with baseball caps and other hats, it is important that a batting helmet fits comfortably. Otherwise, the helmet could obstruct your view while you are batting or fail to protect all of your head from an oncoming baseball. In order to properly size a batting helmet, your head must be accurately measured.

Place the end of a measuring tape just above the top of the wearer's ear.

Wrap the measuring tape around the head to measure the circumference of the head. The tape runs along the forehead (above the eyes) and the occipital bone (the "bumpy" bone on the back of the head). Finish at the same ear where you first placed the measuring tape.

Read the measurement marking nearest to the spot where the two ends of measuring tape meet.

Divide the head measurement derived in Step 3 by 3.1428. This number is your approximate batting helmet size. For example, if the measurement from Step 3 was 22 inches, the batting helmet size will be 7 (22 divided by 3.1428). Round up to the nearest 1/8 inch once you've found the number, as batting helmet sizes are sold in 1/8 inch increments.

Try the batting helmet on. The ear straps of the batting helmet should cover the ears all the way down to the lobe, and the top of the head should fit comfortably yet snug inside the top of the helmet. If the helmet's brim obstructs your view, the helmet is too big. The helmet is too small, however, if the ear straps don't cover the ears down to the lobes.

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