When it comes to keeping up appearances, there are a lot of dos and don'ts. This article presents some 'different-looking' members of the animal kingdom.
Male Guppy
Though only a few centimeters long, male guppies have a pretty loud appearance, having been known to sport splashes, spots, and stripes in a myriad of colors. Although this seems very messy, it appeals to the females. In fact, it's a large part of what drives their attraction. Unfortunately, the colorful display is also a beacon for predators, which makes a strong argument for the safety of the basic black color.
Titicaca frog
Also known as Telmatobius culeus, this amphibian gets its name from its homestead in Lake Titicaca, which sits 10,000 feet above sea level in South America. There's not a lot of air up there, and as frogs breathe through their skin, this presents a bit of a challenge. The solution to this is more skin. This frog can stretch over 20 inches wide.
Male fiddler crab
It is armed with one claw that weighs up to 65 percent of its total body mass. The super-sized claw is used to attract females and in this case, size does matter. The females are known to peruse more than 100 mates before settling on a match. Unfortunately, the enlarged claw also proves to be quite a hindrance. It's pretty useless, and a big and obvious sign to predators.
Sage grouse
The male sage grouse is equipped with two yellowish air sacs underneath his feathers. He fills the sacs with air and then makes a popping sound that can be heard from up to three miles away. It's actually a cue for the females that it's time to choose a mate. The bigger the pop, the more attractive the male. Along with this ability, this bird can also sing and dance.
Male peacock
With a tail measuring 8 feet wide and containing over 200 feathers, the peacock is the 'Christmas tree' of the animal world. Peacocks with the bluest blue eyes on their tail are deemed to be the healthiest. Of course, that also presents a con, as peacocks who are on the heavier side have a little trouble when it comes to flying. This presents a challenge when it comes to fleeing predators. All they can do is run.
Although a coat of 30,000 sharp spines helps protect the porcupines from predators, it can be hazardous to their life. If porcupines want to eat leaves and small twigs, they climb trees to get what they want. Problem is, they often fall and impale themselves with their own spines.
The name of this animal literally translates into "pig-deer." Native to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the babirusa looks strange and wild with its canine teeth growing straight through the roof of its mouth. However, it also poses a danger to its survival. If the teeth continue to grow, they can curve back and lodge into the animal's brain.
Male deer
This deer has a rack of antlers which can measure up to 7 feet wide and weigh in at 80 pounds or more. In fact, it is believed that the largest deer species ever was the Irish elk, with antlers over 12 feet wide (almost twice the length of that of a Moose). During the mating season, this deer uses its antlers to head-butt the competition. However, by doing so, it also runs the risk of locking together with the other deer, leaving both of them prone to predators or starvation.
White Bengal tiger
Their unusual coloring is caused by a mutant gene, and while it's not harmful to their health in any way, it does impact their ability to survive. White is not exactly ideal when it comes to blending in with the jungle.
Male Lion
For the male lion, its mane can never be too big or too dark. This iconic mane is his calling card for attracting the females. A dark color indicates a lion who is relaxed, better fed, and with fewer parasites.
Male Guppy
Though only a few centimeters long, male guppies have a pretty loud appearance, having been known to sport splashes, spots, and stripes in a myriad of colors. Although this seems very messy, it appeals to the females. In fact, it's a large part of what drives their attraction. Unfortunately, the colorful display is also a beacon for predators, which makes a strong argument for the safety of the basic black color.
Titicaca frog
Also known as Telmatobius culeus, this amphibian gets its name from its homestead in Lake Titicaca, which sits 10,000 feet above sea level in South America. There's not a lot of air up there, and as frogs breathe through their skin, this presents a bit of a challenge. The solution to this is more skin. This frog can stretch over 20 inches wide.
Male fiddler crab
It is armed with one claw that weighs up to 65 percent of its total body mass. The super-sized claw is used to attract females and in this case, size does matter. The females are known to peruse more than 100 mates before settling on a match. Unfortunately, the enlarged claw also proves to be quite a hindrance. It's pretty useless, and a big and obvious sign to predators.
Sage grouse
The male sage grouse is equipped with two yellowish air sacs underneath his feathers. He fills the sacs with air and then makes a popping sound that can be heard from up to three miles away. It's actually a cue for the females that it's time to choose a mate. The bigger the pop, the more attractive the male. Along with this ability, this bird can also sing and dance.
Male peacock
With a tail measuring 8 feet wide and containing over 200 feathers, the peacock is the 'Christmas tree' of the animal world. Peacocks with the bluest blue eyes on their tail are deemed to be the healthiest. Of course, that also presents a con, as peacocks who are on the heavier side have a little trouble when it comes to flying. This presents a challenge when it comes to fleeing predators. All they can do is run.
Although a coat of 30,000 sharp spines helps protect the porcupines from predators, it can be hazardous to their life. If porcupines want to eat leaves and small twigs, they climb trees to get what they want. Problem is, they often fall and impale themselves with their own spines.
The name of this animal literally translates into "pig-deer." Native to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the babirusa looks strange and wild with its canine teeth growing straight through the roof of its mouth. However, it also poses a danger to its survival. If the teeth continue to grow, they can curve back and lodge into the animal's brain.
Male deer
This deer has a rack of antlers which can measure up to 7 feet wide and weigh in at 80 pounds or more. In fact, it is believed that the largest deer species ever was the Irish elk, with antlers over 12 feet wide (almost twice the length of that of a Moose). During the mating season, this deer uses its antlers to head-butt the competition. However, by doing so, it also runs the risk of locking together with the other deer, leaving both of them prone to predators or starvation.
White Bengal tiger
Their unusual coloring is caused by a mutant gene, and while it's not harmful to their health in any way, it does impact their ability to survive. White is not exactly ideal when it comes to blending in with the jungle.
Male Lion
For the male lion, its mane can never be too big or too dark. This iconic mane is his calling card for attracting the females. A dark color indicates a lion who is relaxed, better fed, and with fewer parasites.