Monday 22 August 2016

Ettiquettes to Send President of US Email

The President of the United States has more than 300 million bosses, essentially every resident in the country, most of whom have an opinion about how to run the nation. This presents a logistical problem for the president and his staff, since an email address exclusively for the president would be flooded with thousands of messages a day. To get around this, the White House website has a page where you can send an email message to the president, and, for all intents and purposes, his staff.

Launch a browser and go to the "White House Contact" page.

Fill in the fields that will identify yourself on the page. Click the "Subject" drop-down menu and choose the topic of your email to the president of the United States.

Write your message to the president in the "Message" field. Be to the point and clear. Also be gracious and polite, even if you do not agree with the president's policy.

Reread your message and edit it. Make sure there are no spelling or punctuation errors. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.

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