Wednesday 24 August 2016

Find Email Pen Pal

Pen pals have been around for hundreds of years and the concept has evolved over time. In today's age, people are more likely to keep in touch with those far away through email than through snail mail. Finding an email pen pal can be easy if you know where you look. Email pen pals are best discovered by visiting pen pal-related websites, finding pen pals through social networking sites or by meeting pen pals through Internet forums and chat rooms.

Visit a website like, or All three sites require members to register and create a profile. Follow the instructions provided on each website on how to register. Use the website to find pen pals by geographical location, values, and interests.

Join a social networking site like Facebook or Myspace. Use the search bar at the top of the page to "like" your favorite bands, athletes, foods, and activities. You can also join groups and play games while you meet and interact with other people. Facebook even contains groups devoted to finding email pen pals. Send a comment or private message to someone and ask them if they'd like to be your pen pal.

Look for pen pals on the forums of your favorite websites. Nearly every website has a forum or discussion page which allows registered users to create topics and leave comments in threads. If you find a certain person with similar interests on these forums, private message them to inquire whether they would be interested in becoming email pen pals.

Join a chat room hosted by Yahoo! Messenger, Chat Avenue or Talk City. While chat rooms are not as popular as they used to be, many people use them to meet new friends. Almost every chat website offers rooms specified by age, ethnicity, religion and interests. This makes it easy to find like-minded individuals who may like to become your email pen pal.

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