Friday 7 October 2016

About Swimming Pools Rules

The swimming pool is a place for fun and recreation for both children and adults. For the pool to be safe and fun for everyone, the owners and managers must adhere to certain rules and regulations, which they must pass on to their patrons. While rules and regulations vary slightly from one facility to another, they are generally fairly standard.

The lifeguard on duty at the pool has been taught all of the rules at the pool, and he or she is given the authority to point out and enforce the rules to the swimmers and visitors to the pool area. The lifeguard is the eyes and ears of management, and they have been taught lifesaving techniques. Rules are enforced to help prevent the lifeguards from ever having to use their invaluable lifesaving skills.

Running on the swimming pool deck can be dangerous since it can often be slippery from swimmers constantly entering and exiting the water. Rough play is also not allowed, as it is dangerous to the participants and to other pool patrons.

Proper swimming attire generally means a modest, comfortable swimsuit for men, women and children. Street clothes are not permitted. While some people are modest and would like to swim in loose fitting T-shirts, this is not encouraged, but you may be permitted at your swimming pool.

To keep the pool safe and free from debris, most swimming pools require that patrons eat in designated food court areas.

The age limit varies wherein a young person must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, but a safe range would be between five and eight years and under, depending on the pool's policies, as well as the child's behavior, swimming ability and comfort level. Non-swimmers should not swim alone, or they should remain in the shallow end and near a lifeguard.

While swimming pool management and lifeguards check and regularly adjust chemical levels in the pool, which maintain safe, clean water, it helps for swimmers to shower before entering the pool. We use hair products, lotions and oils, and it is better if we remove as much of those products before swimming to keep the pool as clean as possible, for as long as possible.

Swimming without a lifeguard on duty is dangerous. It is never good to be in water alone, without someone monitoring your safety, no matter how skilled a swimmer you may be. Accidents happen, and a swimmer may experience cramps or get into trouble with the pool's drainage system, so swimming without a lifeguard is a risk not worth taking.

In order for the lifeguard to watch and assure patrons' safety in the swimming pool, they must be able to see them. While underwater swimming can be fun and feel adventurous, it creates a hazard for the swimmer and uncertainty for lifeguards.

Chewing gum while swimming is more dangerous than people consider. While swimming and splashing with friends, a piece of gum can be lodged in the swimmer's throat, blocking breathing.

Swimming Pools operate on a membership or entry fee, and patrons must provide one of these options upon entry to keep the pool open.

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