Wednesday 19 October 2016

Fast Twitch Basketball Exercises

Basketball players must be quick on their feet. They’ve got to be able to explode into maximum-height jumps, sprint at full speed and change directions as quickly as possible. All of these things require the recruitment of fast twitch muscles, which are responsible for handling explosive movements. Develop your fast twitch fibers for basketball with plyometrics, agility drills and sprints.

Plyometrics are a type of power exercise that develop your fast twitch muscles and improve your neuromuscular system, meaning you’re able to more quickly send signals to your muscles to contract. This will result in a more powerful contraction. Plyometric exercises that are appropriate for basketball include jump squats, box jumps and power skips. Jump squats are performed by first lowering into a squat and then exploding into a maximum-height jump. Box jumps involve lowering into a squat and then exploding into a jump, landing atop a plyo box positioned in front of you. Power skips are just like regular skips, except that you explode up as high as you can with each skip.

Agility Drills
Your fast twitch muscles allow you to accelerate, decelerate and change directions quickly. A common agility drill basketball players employ is the box drill. Set up four cones in the shape of a square, with each cone about 5 yards apart. Start at one of the bottom corners of the square. Sprint to the cone in front of you, and then do a defensive slide toward the cone at your side. A defensive slide involves moving laterally with slide steps. If sliding to the left, for example, push off with your right foot to step left with your left foot and then slide your right foot halfway to your left foot. Backpedal to the cone behind you and then do a defensive slide to the cone where you started.

Fast twitch muscles propel you as you sprint down the basketball court. Your sprints should reflect the distances you have to go during competition. The alley run drill involves moving around the outside of the basketball court. Start at the corner of the court and then sprint to the opposite baseline. Defensive slide the width of the court to the other corner and then backpedal the length of the court. Sideline sprints involve sprinting back and forth from sideline to sideline. Start with one repetition of down and back, then do two down and backs, then three and then four.

During plyometrics, agility drills and sprints, focus isn’t on quantity of repetitions or drills, but on quality. To maximize the effectiveness of your training, each repetition needs to be performed at maximum power. Take three to five minutes in between each set of plyometrics, agility drills and sprints so that your muscles are recovered as they go into each set. Agility drills and sprints are safe for basketball players of all levels, but you should possess a base of strength before incorporating plyometrics into your workouts.

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