Saturday 8 October 2016

How to Chlorinate Swimming Pools

One thing that most people don't think about before jumping in a pool is the chlorine level. A low chlorine level encourage bacteria growth, whereas a highly chlorinated pool can harm your skin. Properly chlorinating, and maintaining a pool is crucial in keeping it a safe, fun activity. This is how to properly maintain chlorine levels in swimming pool.

There are a couple ways you can chlorinate a pool. The first method is called shocking the pool. You will even notice some products named after the process. This process includes adding a large amount of chlorine to the pool in a small amount of time. After the solution has time to dissolve, you then are able to swim in the water. You will need to get a PH level kit, which can be found near the pool supplies, and check the chlorine level before swimming.

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The other way to chlorinate a pool is to simply keep chlorine in the pool. You can put chlorine tablets in a flotation device and allow it to float around the pool. The chlorine will slowly dissolve and keep the pool chlorinated.

However you decide to chlorinate your pool, the third step is always the most important. Test the water. Invest in a PH tester. This tests the chlorine level in the pool. Depending on the test you buy, you will simply test the water using a test paper strip and a color coded gauge that comes with the kit. Based on the color of the test strip once it is removed from the water, it will tell you if the chlorine is too high, too low or fit for swimming.

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