Saturday 8 October 2016

How to Chlorine Your Swimming Pools

Chlorine can be used to disinfect a swimming pool and keep the water suitable for swimming. When the chlorine level gets too high, however, it can be unsafe to swim in the swimming pool. High amounts of chlorine may even damage your pool equipment. From time to time, you may find it necessary to lower the chlorine level of the water in your swimming pool. Doing so is rather easy as there are several methods one can use.

Purchase a chlorine neutralizer and use it in your pool to get the high chlorine level down. These products contain sodium thiosulfate, which will lower the chlorine level in your pool. You can purchase these products anywhere that pool cleaning products are sold. Chlorine neutralizers can also be purchased online (see Resources below).

Remove the cover from your pool and allow sunlight to hit the water in the pool. This is a natural way to get the chlorine levels down in a swimming pool. Depending on how high the chlorine level is, it may take a day or two for the chlorine to dissipate to the level you desire.

Add some fresh water to the swimming pool. Doing so can help to dilute the chlorine level in your swimming pool. How much water you add will be based upon the current chlorine level in the pool.

Replace some of the water in your swimming pool with water that has no chlorine. This will remove excess chlorine from the swimming pool while diluting the water in your pool. Just as with the previous step, how much water you replace will be dependent upon the chlorine level of the water in the swimming pool.

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