Saturday 8 October 2016

How to Keep Cloudy Swimming Pool

Daily testing and monitoring are always necessary to keep your swimming pool in tip-top shape, but even if you are diligent with water care and testing, you may see murky water unexpectedly. Although cloudy swimming pools are caused by many things, there are five that are the mostly likely culprits, which you can easily fix if you keep abreast of your pool's condition.

Inconsistent Care
Chlorine levels need to be kept at a specific level and tested every day during swimming season. Every time a person enters the pool, he potentially disrupts the water condition. Follow the guidelines on your pool chemical containers and be sure to test the water every day.

Too Much or Too Little Filtration
One is just as bad as the other. Too little filtration is more commonly the problem; your water isn't being run through the proper filtration at a pace to keep up with the algae and other contaminants that invade your pool constantly. However, overcompensating by backwashing when not needed can create the same problem. It can cause the debris pulled from the water to go right back in because the filter can't process the flow fast enough. Buy the right size filter for your pool and make sure you have it running at least half of the day.

Too Little or Too Much Use
Not using your pool enough doesn't get the water in the pool moving around enough, and debris is bound to settle in. On the other hand, too many people in the pool at one time can be more than the filter system can handle. Use your pool regularly to keep the water in the best condition, and if you plan a party with a large number of people, be ready to battle your water's chemical levels the next day until you get the balance back in order. Don't be tempted to overtreat your water before the party or you will have guests with irritated eyes. It's better to deal with the adjustment afterward.

Too Much Shade
This is hard to combat if you have already set up your pool in a shaded area. Pool water needs sunlight to help sanitize the water with the rays from the sun. If you have your pool in an area blocked by a building or too many trees, you may find yourself in a constant battle with cloudy water. This is one area where proper planning of your pool site is vital.

Dirt and chemicals brought in by swimmers do a great deal of damage to the chemical levels in your pool. Try to be sure any swimmers who enter the pool are clean and shower first before getting into the water. They are then less likely to carry dirt or chemicals such as body lotion, sun screen or other contaminants into the water.

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