Saturday 8 October 2016

How to Swim in Your Period

Your monthly friend has come and you have plans to go to the lake with your friends. It doesn't mean you have to cancel or make up an excuse about why you can't swim. You can go and enjoy yourself while being worry-free about your period.

Wear a tampon. A pad only soaks up the water as you swim and can cause an embarrassing situation when you get out of the water. If you aren't used to tampons, try wearing one for a few days before you swim while on your period.

Remove the tampon after you swim and replace it with a new one. This prevents the chance of developing a yeast infection due to excess water while you are lounging around.

Eat lots of protein leading up to the outing. Cramps can be painful and protein can help eliminate some of the cramping from your period.

Drink lots of water to avoid water retention. This helps you feel comfortable in your swim suit and it can make going for a swim while on your period that much easier.

Kick the caffeine habit while you are on your period if you want to go swimming. This helps eliminate some of the breast pain and mood swings that may accompany your monthly flow.

Exercise often and especially before going swimming while having your period. Regular exercise helps with the discomfort of cramps and other symptoms while you have your period. These things may throw a wrench in your activities at the lake or pool and you can combat them with a healthy workout regime.

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