Friday 7 October 2016

Swim Laps With Snorkel Mask

Breathing properly during freestyle is a common challenge among swimmers. However, swimming efficiently and maximizing muscle ability requires proper oxygen flow. Wearing a snorkel mask in the pool allows for a constant flow of air to your lungs and muscles, so that your breathing is easy and your focus can remain on your technique.

The Center Snorkel
Snorkels designed specifically for swimming differ from those that are used for exploring reefs and underwater wildlife. The swimmer’s snorkel rises up in front of your face, rather than resting on the side of your head. Some models stick straight up out of the water, like a periscope, while others curve back over the top of your head. Most snorkels for swimmers come with an adjustable strap that fits over your swim cap and around your head, which helps keep the tube in place during a workout.

Using the Snorkel
It can take a little while to acclimate yourself to the swimmer’s snorkel. To begin, practice using the snorkel by floating in the water, facedown; inhale through the tube and exhale through your nose. Breathe easy and slowly and make sure to exhale all the air out of your lungs before taking in a new breath. Once you feel comfortable, try swimming three to four lengths of the pool at a slow to moderate pace. Slow down if you lose your breathing rhythm and again focus on the slow inhale and full exhale.

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