Saturday 8 October 2016

The Equipments for Swimming

For a skilled swimmer, the right equipment leads to optimum performance. Selecting the right suit and goggles can make a positive impact on time. Equipment such as fins will considerably advance one's technique and time, in addition to building strength and developing proper form. Having the proper equipment in a swimmer's bag and using it correctly will increase a swimmer's speed and endurance as well as comfort in the water.

The swimmer in training needs the proper swimsuit. The suit must feel comfortable but also fit well. When dry, the suit should feel snug, almost small. Once wet, a suit will stretch and can produce drag, slowing a swimmer down. Training suits should not contain Lycra but be 100 percent polyester for better long-term durability. Akin to a bodysuit, technical suits create a more streamlined form, which will increase speed and, ultimately, time.

Goggles come in many types to accommodate a swimmer's needs. They protect a swimmer's eyes from chlorine and other elements and allow for better visibility. To ensure a proper fit, goggles should stay on a swimmer's face securely without the strap. Competition goggles prevent drag, which improves a swimmer's time. Goggles should have a double strap rather than a single one to alleviate tension behind the head. Lens color also plays an important role. Depending on the environment, a tinted lens minimizes bright sunlight or fluorescent light. Other widely used tints include blue, smoke or mirrored. Other options include prescription and anti-fog.

Swimmers who are sensitive or prone to infections require earplugs. They reduce water intrusion, which protects the inner ear. Plugs come in different materials, including soft, moldable silicone and premolded rubber. Younger swimmers will benefit from soft, moldable silicone styles. Longer-lasting, premolded rubber styles will always retain their shape. Different design features include conical or ergonomic, which fit the outer ear. Swimmers under 12 should use youth-size ones to ensure proper fit.

Swim Fins
To improve the position and balance of the body, swimmers can train with short swim fins. They develop a more solid and continuous kick, as well as increase the flexibility of a swimmer's ankles. This ultimately enables a swimmer to increase his speed. Popular brands include Aqua Sphere and Alpha fins.

Swim Training Aids
Swimming paddles increase strength and a swimmer's propulsion through the water. With the proper technique, swim paddles can develop a better and more uniform stroke or glide. More prevalent styles include mentor hand paddles and power swim paddles. Additional equipment includes resistance tubes and stretch cords for dry-land training and conditioning. They allow the swimmer to simulate motion, increase muscular strength and build up the push-pull of a stroke.

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