Saturday 8 October 2016

Use Drag to Improve Swim Skills

Although the U.S. Olympic swimmers dive off the block in tight-fitting suits, drag has been used to improve swimmers' techniques for decades. Drag creates more pull against the water, making you work harder during practice and move faster during competition.

Pile on the swim suits. The easiest way to create drag in the water is to wear multiple suits during practice sessions. Wear a durable, good-fitting suit on the bottom layer and add two or three baggy, stretched-out suits.

Purchase a drag suit. Swim shops and online retailers sell this specialty suit. Utilized more by men than women, the suits are a mix between traditional swim trunks and a Speedo. They are elastic, tight-fitting shorts that are worn over suits to create more pull in the pool.

Ask your mother for a pair of old panty hose or tights. Wear it in the pool to produce extra leg drag. Not only will tights make you kick more effectively, but the extra weight and fabric will make your arms work harder to pull your body through the water.

Put the razors away. Hairy legs provide natural drag. Men cease cutting the hair on their head and women cease shaving leg hair during training season. You will be more streamlined in the pool if you wait to shave until just before a competition.

Plan a drag schedule. Begin using drag about 2 months before a major swim meet. This may vary depending on your coach or team. Use moderate drag (several swim suits, no shaving) until 3 to 4 weeks before the meet. Then increase to heavy drag (several suits, no shaving, panty hose or drag suit).

Taper down a week before the meet. In swimming, tapering is the process of shedding all the drag you have built up and getting in the pool less. This has proven to be an effective strategy in competitive swimming. The body comes down from the fatigue of heavy training to reach its peak performance capacity. A coach may ask you to taper and drop your drag as early as 2 weeks out, or as late as 2 days before the meet. Each swimmer is a little bit different, but most drop their drag about a week before the big meet.

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