Tuesday 8 November 2016

Best Cheerleading Spirit Sign Ideas

Create spirit signs to start the rest of the school cheering at the pep rally and the game. With interesting and funny signs, you will have the school waiting each week for a new sign to brighten their day and increase excitement for the school team.

"Climb the Ladder of Success"
Use a real ladder as both a spirit sign and a schedule of upcoming games and competitions for your school's team. Attach a card to each of the rungs of the ladder naming the opponents and the game time. At the top of the ladder, attach a larger card reading: "Teams we'll beat:" or "Step on the ____!" Fill in the opposing school's mascot in the blank.

Extra! Extra!
Create spirit signs resembling newspapers or take one of your own school newspapers and expand it to poster size. Change the headlines to read "We will beat _____ this week!" with the mascot or the name of the opposing school in the blank. You could even get a picture of your mascot with his foot on top of the opposing team's mascot or a representation of it. For instance, if your team is facing the Tigers, your mascot might have her foot on top of a stuffed tiger toy in the poster image for the "front page" story of the newspaper poster.

Pinata Opponents
Get a pinata in the shape of the opposing team's mascot and fill it with candy and free game tickets or vouchers for concessions at the game. Hang a sign around its neck to "Beat the _!" or "Bash the ___!" (Fill in the opponent's mascot in the blanks.) Suspend this spirit "sign" in the cafeteria, and sell tickets during lunch the week before the game. At the pep rally, each ticket holder gets one chance to hit the pinata with a bat while blindfolded. When the pinata breaks, all the ticket holders can run forward to collect the candy inside the pinata.

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