Friday 4 November 2016

Best Tips to Shoot in Basketball

To become a consistently good shooter in basketball you must develop consistently good mechanics. Good balance, proper hand position, fluid body motion, smooth release and excellent follow through are the key components of a good shot.

Create a Strong Base
Set your feet about shoulder width apart and pointed toward the basket. Flex your knees slightly. Lean slightly forward, putting your head and shoulders over your feet. "When most guys get tired and they start to miss, it’s because their legs are tired," NBA All-Star Stephen Curry told "You’re foundation is lost. As long as you have good foundation, good balance, your consistency, your accuracy, goes higher.”

Load Your Shooting Hand
Put your index finger at the midpoint of the ball. Relax your shooting hand, as if you were about to shake hands, and form a natural cup. Rest the ball on the pads of your fingers, not the palm or fingertips. Put your other hand slightly under the ball, allowing it to balance on your pinkie and ring finger. Bring the ball up so your forearm is perpendicular to your biceps, creating a 90-degree angle at the elbow. Hold the ball in front of your shooting-side shoulder and above it.

Align Your Elbow
With your shooting hand facing the basket, move your elbow in as far as you can comfortably. This aligns the ball to the basket. Keep it close to your body. If your elbow moves out and away from your body, it could throw off your shot.

Stay Focused
Keep your head still. Focus your eyes just over the front rim of the basket. Stay focused on your target all the way through your shot. Do not lift your eyes to follow the ball's flight.

Lift Into Your Shot
To shoot free throws, keep your feet set at the line. Do not lower the ball to build your rhythm; use the down-and-up motion of your legs instead. To shoot a jump shot, use a smooth, evenly paced, lifting motion with your arms and legs simultaneously. At the height of your jump, use the same shooting motion you use for a free throw. Extend your back, shoulders, and shooting arm in a continuous upward direction.

Release Your Shot
Flex your arm, wrist, and fingers straight toward the basket at a 45- to 60-degree angle. Extend your shooting arm completely at the elbow. Keep your balance hand on the ball until you flip your wrist to release the shot with ample backspin and arc. Adjust the force of the shot to the distance, using your legs and shoulder to power longer shots. Using just your arms to add power will cost you accuracy.

Follow Through
Keep your arm up with a complete follow through until the ball reaches the basket. Holding your follow through up reinforces good mechanics.

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