Friday 4 November 2016

Calculate Usage Rate in Basketball

Usage rate tells you the number of possessions a player utilizes while on the court. This statistic is a good indicator of how big of a role a particular player has in the team's offense. By following these steps, you can calculate usage rate in basketball.

Pick the player you want to investigate. It has to be one individual player. Multiple players or teams can't be used without doing the calculation individually.

Find the following stats for the player who you have selected: field goal attempts, free throw attempts, assists and turnovers. If you are going to use multiple games, use the averages of each of these numbers. You can find these numbers in any box score of a basketball game in which statistics are kept.

Multiply free throw attempts by 0.44. The resulting number is known as adjusted free throws.

Multiply assists by 0.33. The resulting number is known as adjusted assists.

Add adjusted free throws, adjusted assists, field goals attempted and turnovers. The resulting number is known as usage rate. While there are variations on how you arrive at usage rate, this is the way that is universal from league to league. Using this method, you can compare players at any level to players in the NBA.

Compare usage rate between players to figure out which players utilize their court time the most. Simply repeat the above steps for as many players as you wish to compare. The higher the player's usage rate, the more possessions the player utilizes. However, remember, a high usage rate is not always good. If you are forming a team, you need to mix players with high usage rates with players with low usage rates to make sure everyone has the ball as much as they need it.

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