Friday 11 November 2016

Easy Volleyball Craft Ideas

Volleyball is a team game, and there are so many crafts that a team can do to build team spirit. Getting together to create simple crafts establishes friendships and a camaraderie in individuals that may have not been there if not for the sport. You can do volleyball crafts to decorate lockers or to spruce up the accessories on your uniform. Be sure to check all of the uniform guidelines before wearing any new accessories on the court in a game. Most volleyball associations have strict instructions about matching uniforms, but usually, socks and hair bands are discretionary.

Volleyball Buddy
This is a simple craft, and perfect to put on the lockers of team members. Cut a circle out of white paper and draw a volleyball pattern on the ball. Cut out a body shape and attach the volleyball head. Use yarn, scrap material, glitter, glue and stickers to create hair and an outfit for the volleyball buddy. Add a uniform number and place on the outside of lockers before the season.

Gym Posters
The gym is the one place a team can decorate on a large scale. Purchase a piece of poster board for each team member. Using paint, marker, construction paper, glue and glitter, have each team member make a sign with their name and number. Hang them up in the gymnasium where the games are played for all of the spectators to see. You could also add positions or the school year to the posters. This is a team activity that student managers or trainers can participate in, too.

Buy plain, non-slip headbands for each team member. Use ribbons in team colors to wrap around the headband. Secure tightly with knots or glue. Leave the ends short and loose. Have every team member wear them in games and to school on game days.

Have each volleyball player of the team purchase identical white socks, so for team building. Make sure that they are comfortable enough to wear in games. Tie rubber bands around the socks to create patterns. Dye the socks using team colors that will complement the uniforms. Allow to dry, then remove the rubber bands.

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