Friday 4 November 2016

Free Throw Percentage in Basketball

If you are trying to improve your free throw shooting, you must learn how to calculate your free throw percentage. A good free throw percentage is any percentage over 75%. In a few short steps, you can learn how to calculate your free throw percentage in basketball.

Find a friend willing to manually track the free throws that you attempt and the free throws that you miss. A good way to find someone willing to keep track is to ask a friend who also wants to improve their free throw percentage. You can rotate between shooting and keeping track of free throws to get an accurate free throw percentage for each of you.

Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left side, mark the column as "Free Throws Made." On the right side, mark the column as "Free Throws Attempted." As each free throw is shot, put a mark in the appropriate column. For a made free throw, you should put a mark in both the made free throw column and the attempted free throw column. For a missed free throw, you should only put a mark in the attempted free throw column.

Total the numbers in each column once you are finished with a round of shooting. You should come away with a number for free throws attempted and a number for free throws made. Obviously, the free throws made total should be equal to or less than the free throws attempted total.

Calculate the free throw percentage. To do so, divide the number of free throws made by the number of free throws attempted. The resulting number should be a number between zero and one. You'll then need to transform that number into a percentage by moving the decimal point two places to the right. It's also customary to round free throw percentage of to the nearest tenth of a percentage. For example, a player who shot 6-for-9 at the free throw line has a free throw percentage of 66.7%.

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