Saturday 12 November 2016

Fun Youth Football Homecoming Ideas

Homecoming activities are a great opportunity to build team building spirit and show support. Youth football homecoming games may not have the same allure as high school or college games, but you can still plan many of the typical homecoming activities. Encourage excitement throughout the community for youth football homecomings with preplanned activities that take place throughout the week of the big game.

Team spirit is an important part of any homecoming. Youth programs may not have regular cheerleaders, but it is a fun activity to orchestrate for the homecoming game. Set up a few practices the week of the big game so those who want to cheer can learn how. These cheerleaders can consist of sisters, friends and other children in the community not playing in the football game. Enlist these cheerleaders to lead cheers throughout the game to inspire team spirit.

Pre-Game Activities
Inspire excitement for the youth homecoming game with pregame activities the week leading up to the game. Family and friends of the youth football players can be engaged to help with these activities. Consider making signs promoting the game to hang up throughout the community, designing yard signs for each of the players, and painting windows of local businesses with team colors and supportive slogans. You can host a pep rally or parade for the players to get the whole community involved.

Activities During the Game
Organize activities to showcase youth football players throughout the game. Start off the game by announcing the individual players and their positions, and creating a banner for them to run through to build enthusiasm. At half time, you can recognize the athletes once again and highlight their achievements throughout the season. These activities get people excited for the game and allow the opportunity for all athletes to be in the spotlight.

Homecoming Fundraiser Activities
Homecoming provides an ideal opportunity for fundraiser activities for your youth football program. Parent and community involvement is important for successful fundraiser activities. You can sell tickets in advance for a homecoming tailgate party, or host a chicken-Q prior to the game. Offer concessions and raffles throughout the game to raise additional funds. Use the money raised through these activities for new equipment, summer camps and clinics for the youth players.

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