Friday 4 November 2016

Getting Into Basketball Hall of Fame

Getting inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame is the crowning achievement of a career in the sport. Players become eligible once they have been retired for five years. Coaches and referees can be considered after 25 years of active coaching and refereeing, or after five years of retirement.

Initial Screening
Nomination packets must be submitted by November 1 in the calendar year before the following year’s class is elected. This packet consists of the nomination form along with any other relevant factual information or news clippings that would help the nominee’s case. In most cases, the nominee then goes before the North American or Women’s Screening Committee. The application must be approved by a specified number of committee members – 7 of the 9 members of the North American committee, or 5 of 7 from the women’s committee.

The Final Hurdle
Only 10 candidates from the North American committee can be passed on for further consideration, and 2 candidates from the Women’s committee. Once the nominees have been approved by the Board of Trustees, the Honors Committee makes the final call on the Hall of Fame induction. If 18 of the 24 committee members vote in favor, the nominee will be inducted into the hall.

Direct Election
Five other committees offer direct election to the Hall. If someone is a part of the “Contributor Category,” the American Basketball Association, the International Game, the Veteran’s Game – meaning they have been out of basketball for at least 35 years – and the Early African-American Pioneers of the Game, players can be elected directly out of the committee if they receive sufficient support.

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