Friday 4 November 2016

Improve Basketball Handling Skills

Basketball players can improve their ballhandling with assortment of dribbling drills. To progress in just 7 minutes per day, do seven up-tempo drills for a minute each. Work both hands equally hard and practice behind-the-back, between-the-legs and cross-over maneuvers. Mix stationary drills with some movement drills. "We still do this stuff in the NBA," all-star guard Steve Nash said in a USA Basketball video. "These are important drills to do all the time."

Alternating Dribble 10/5s
Power dribble 10 times with your right hand, then soft dribble five times, then repeat the sequence. Power dribble 10 times with your left hand, then soft dribble five times, then repeat the sequence to gain a feel for change-of-pace dribbling.

Two-Ball Power Dribbling
Power Dribble a basketball with each hand. This forces you to look forward and dribble on feel. Once you master this exercise, adjust the height of the dribble up and down. Change up the rhythm so one ball is coming up and the other is going down. "If you don't lose the ball every five times time you do it, you're not doing it fast enough," NBA star John Wall said during a instructional video. "Every time you get faster you get better and better."

Power Dribble Control
Crouch into a low, athletic stance with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Pound the ball back and forth between your right and left hand several times. Then take the ball with your right hand around your right leg and pound it back and forth with your left hand. Finally, take the ball with your left hand around your left leg and pound it back and forth with your right hand. Yo-yo the basketball as fast as you can.

One-Hand "V" Drills
Use your right hand to dribble the ball back and forth in front of your body in a "V" shape. Switch to your left hand and go back and forth. Go back to your right hand and do the "V" shape on your right side. Switch to your left hand and do the "V" on your left side.

Two-Ball Crossover
Dribble two basketballs, one with each hand, three times before crossing the balls over simultaneously to the other hand. You will either learn to control the ball or you will spend your time chasing it.

Two-Cone Drills
Set two cones about 5 yards apart on a flat surface. Looking straight ahead, speed dribble to the second cone, cross over your dribble, pivot and speed dribble back to the first cone. Cross over your dribble, pivot and use a behind-the-back dribble to reach Cone 2. Cross over, pivot and use a behind-the-back dribble to return to Cone 1. Cross over, pivot and use a between-the-legs dribble to reach Cone 2. Cross over, pivot and complete the drill with a between-the-legs dribble.

Three-Chair Drill
Spread three chairs over a 20-foot distance. Dribble figure 8s around them, switching to your left hand to go around the middle chair, back to your right hand to circle around the far chair, back to your left hand at the middle chair and so forth. Stay low, keep your head up and dribble as quickly as you can while staying tight to the chairs.

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