Tuesday 8 November 2016

Single Kick Cheerleading Basket Toss

A basket toss is an advanced stunt in cheerleading and a single-kick basket toss is even more complicated. Practicing and performing the stunt can be dangerous without training and requires an adequate number of spotting assistants to catch the athlete if she were to fall. A single-kick basket toss differs from the traditional toe-touch basket toss in that it features one high kick instead of a jump form. The American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators prohibits basket tosses for elementary through junior high squads and on non-matted surfaces, so review the legalities before performing single-kick basket tosses.

Position the two side bases approximately 2 feet apart and facing each other. The two bases interlock their hands to form a basket by grabbing their own right wrists with the left hand and, while keeping the grip on her own wrist, use their right hands to hold the left wrist of each partner base.

Instruct the flyer to place her right foot on the right side of the bases' hand basket and her hands firmly on the shoulders of the bases. Position the back spotter so that she is standing directly behind the flyer and her hands are around the flyer's waist. An optional front spotter places her hands underneath the bases' hand basket for additional support.

Request spectators to spot all around the stunt group for additional safety measures and to catch the flyer if she were to fall outside of the bases' reach. Count an eight-count to ready the stunt group and tell the group what is expected of all of them during each of the eight counts.

Count 1 - The stunt group either takes or holds the ready position stated in Steps 1 and 2.

Count 2 - The group holds the position getting ready for the toss.

Count 3 - The stunt group members bend their knees to lower themselves into position, if not done so already. The back spotter assists the flyer in jumping down and up into the bases' hand basket.

Count 4 - The flyer jumps into the basket while the bases bend their knees a bit more and bounce the flyer into the air. The back spotter places her hands under the flyer's buttocks and pushes her straight up while flying. The front spotter presses directly up underneath the bases' hand basket.

Count 5 - The flyer is thrown into the air and she hits a high V position with her arms while her leg kicks up to meet her arms. Do not allow the flyer to lean over to touch the foot but let the foot come up to touch the hand.

Count 6 - The flyer is cradled by the bases and the back spotter catches the flyer's shoulders and head by inserting her arms under the flyer's armpits. All stunt group members bend their knees as the flyer lands in their arms.

Count 7 - The stunt group holds the cradle position and recovers.

Count 8 - Gently push the flyer out of the cradle position and onto the ground.

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