Tuesday 8 November 2016

Strength Training as Male Cheerleader

Anyone who thinks male cheerleaders aren't masculine has obviously never lifted a 130-pound girl over his head, tossed her into the air and caught her right before she hits the ground. Male cheerleading requires stamina, coordination and, most of all, strength. Here's a strength-training regimen that focuses on the muscle groups male cheerleaders use most.

Warm up with five minutes of gentle stretching and 10 minutes of light aerobic exercise, like walking briskly or jogging slowly. This prepares your body for your training exercises and helps prevent injuries.

Select weights that are heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 repetitions. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski of the Mayo Clinic, a single set of 12 reps with heavier weights builds muscle just as effectively as more sets of the same exercise with lighter weights. On the twelfth rep, you should just barely be able to finish the exercise. When you can perform 12 or more reps of an exercise easily, increase the amount of weight you use.

Strengthen your chest, back and shoulders and prepare to lift the female cheerleaders with bench presses, push ups, rowing exercises, pull downs and front raises.

Work your biceps and triceps with curls and dips.

Exercise your lower body with squats, lunges and calf raises.

Build your core muscles and improve your back flips with crunches, reverse crunches, oblique twists and pelvic tilts.

Rest each muscle group for one full day between training sessions to allow your muscles time to recover. Always stop if you feel pain during an exercise. Mild muscle soreness is normal, but sharp pain and sore or swollen joints indicate potential injuries.

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