Friday 11 November 2016

The Responsibilities of Team Captain

A good team captain not only speaks with words, but also with actions. He looks out for his fellow players before, during and after the game. If a player is feeling down, either from a personal problem or a bad performance in a game, a team captain encourages him to keep heading toward his goals. A good team captain strives to keep his teammates in harmony with each other and for team building. When a team needs a leader, they turn to the captain. When a captain fulfills his responsibilities, it aids in the team's success.

Team Spirit
A team captain should strive to keep player morale at its highest. He should organize social events for the team and should motivate the players by discussing goals and leading the team in cheers at meets. At the end of the year or season, a team leader should congratulate teammates on their accomplishments and hand out awards.

Be a Role Model
A team leader should set an example for his teammates. If he is always on time and has all his proper equipment, it often sets a standard and his team to follow along. The captain should not get in any trouble legally or morally. He should have high standards both on and off the field. A team leader should attend all team functions and events and encourage his teammates to do the same.

Practice Procedures
An important part of any team's success is having plenty of practice. At the start of each practice session, the team leader should conduct an effective exercise routine. He should plan drills for each player according to his needs for improvement as well as drills to prepare the entire team to play together well. A team captain should organize practice games among his team to help prepare the players for the seasonal contests.

Speak for the Players
A team captain should know each player's full name and know him as a person, not just a player. When a player has a problem or a question, players should know the captain well enough to approach him with confidence, and trust him enough to aid them in the answer or solution. When team issues arise, the captain should be a mediator and spokesperson between the coach and the players. A team captain should help the coaches keep the team focused. If he enlightens the coach with what he knows about his fellow player's abilities and attitudes, it helps the coach in putting together a winning team.

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